22 years old
Distilled in: 1992
Bottled in: 2014
50.4% ABV
not chill filtered
no colouring added
cask strength
Strathmill is a major component of J&B blended whisky. The distillery uses a combination of short and long fermentation. Roughly 60 hours and 120 hours. This is one of 204 bottles aged for 22 years in Bourbon Barrels. It is from Cadenhead's Small Batch range.

Dram's Checkins

Derick Rethans
Fresh and grassy. Sweet syrup with hints of aniseed and a little spicy. Lingers long with honey. #empty
Derick Rethans
Honey, green apple, and a little grassy. Woody and a long finish of something citrus and spicy. After a a few drops of water, the subtle honey comes out a bit more, and is more like golden syrup. Some aniseed too. The finish is still long and woody.

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Drinking Age (1)
American Drinking Age (1)
Address to a Haggis 2018
Address to a Haggis 2017
Address to a Haggis 2021

Most Checked-in Dram
